Power Tool
We have so much to thank Jesus for. We thank Him for dying for us, healing us, filling us with His Holy Spirit, changing us, giving us a roof over our heads, food to eat, shoes and clothes to wear, a sound mind and body, and the list goes on. And yet, there is another side to Thanksgiving that I only started realizing here lately.
Thanksgiving is a power tool to the children of God! We see this so clearly in His word that says, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1 Corinthians 15:57). In this scripture, we see that if we will begin to give God thanks for the things in our lives that we need victory for, we shall receive victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Our victory begins with giving God thanks for it first. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory . . .” We give thanks to God, then victory follows!
If your spouse needs to be born again, begin giving thanks to God for it now and victory will follow. If you’re in need of a healing in your body, give thanks now for your healing has come. If there is a bill that needs to be paid, give God thanks that He has paid it in full now in Jesus Name. And don’t stop giving thanks. Keep giving thanks until your victory has manifested. When God hears you thanking Him over and over, His promise to you and I is VICTORY. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Your thanksgiving in the midst of your need will usher in the victory. Tap into the power tool of thanksgiving every day of the year. There truly is victory in your thanksgiving.
Scripture Of The Day: “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” - 1 Corinthians 15:57 (KJV)
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Hope for Tomorrow
Hope for Tomorrow
In many places around the world, there are people who have been in the Christmas mood for a number of days and in some cases, weeks. Gifts, dinners, shopping, sports and a number of other things seem to signal this annual holiday season. But have you ever really stopped to think about what Christmas is really all about? Beyond just saying, “Oh, it’s about Jesus’ birth.” What is that really about?
I believe the real meaning of Christmas is about hope. Hope is the expectation of a promise being fulfilled. It is the anticipation that a specific circumstance will be met with a different outcome than what currently exists. Bad relationships without hope lead to divorce, separation, and irreconcilable differences. Unemployment without hope leads to stress attacks and headaches. An unfavorable medical diagnosis without hope could lead to suicide or depression. And as we inspect our own lives, we can see the truth of Proverbs 13:12, “hope deferred makes the heart sick…” Moments and seasons where our hope was weaning, we all can confirm that we were headed for a destination that we really did not desire. We had to find a way to fight to restore the hope that lay deep within us.
The birth of Christ, his reason for coming and the lasting legacy that Jesus has established, is all about us living lives of hope. Without Christ being born or willingly leaving a legacy, which includes His Word and the Holy Spirit, we would not be able to have any sense of hope about our faith, finances, families, friends or future.
But with His birth, everything stands the chance to be defeated as it attempts to stand between us and the realization of God’s promises. With Jesus leaving His legacy, we have the opportunity to keep a lifted head in any circumstance.
1 Peter 1: 3-4 (NIV) tell us, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” The Message Translation of this same verse helps us understand clearly why we have hope through Jesus Christ. It says, “What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now!”
The truth of your future starts right now. In most Christmas traditions, you have to wait until Christmas day to open your gifts and presents. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for hope, you have it right now. The gift has been presented to you and ready for you to receive it. Your future, faith, family and finances all have just been injected with hope. Today, hope is alive!
Scripture Of The Day: "Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now!" - 1 Peter 1:3-4 (MSG)
In many places around the world, there are people who have been in the Christmas mood for a number of days and in some cases, weeks. Gifts, dinners, shopping, sports and a number of other things seem to signal this annual holiday season. But have you ever really stopped to think about what Christmas is really all about? Beyond just saying, “Oh, it’s about Jesus’ birth.” What is that really about?
I believe the real meaning of Christmas is about hope. Hope is the expectation of a promise being fulfilled. It is the anticipation that a specific circumstance will be met with a different outcome than what currently exists. Bad relationships without hope lead to divorce, separation, and irreconcilable differences. Unemployment without hope leads to stress attacks and headaches. An unfavorable medical diagnosis without hope could lead to suicide or depression. And as we inspect our own lives, we can see the truth of Proverbs 13:12, “hope deferred makes the heart sick…” Moments and seasons where our hope was weaning, we all can confirm that we were headed for a destination that we really did not desire. We had to find a way to fight to restore the hope that lay deep within us.
The birth of Christ, his reason for coming and the lasting legacy that Jesus has established, is all about us living lives of hope. Without Christ being born or willingly leaving a legacy, which includes His Word and the Holy Spirit, we would not be able to have any sense of hope about our faith, finances, families, friends or future.
But with His birth, everything stands the chance to be defeated as it attempts to stand between us and the realization of God’s promises. With Jesus leaving His legacy, we have the opportunity to keep a lifted head in any circumstance.
1 Peter 1: 3-4 (NIV) tell us, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” The Message Translation of this same verse helps us understand clearly why we have hope through Jesus Christ. It says, “What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now!”
The truth of your future starts right now. In most Christmas traditions, you have to wait until Christmas day to open your gifts and presents. The good news is that you don’t have to wait for hope, you have it right now. The gift has been presented to you and ready for you to receive it. Your future, faith, family and finances all have just been injected with hope. Today, hope is alive!
Scripture Of The Day: "Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now!" - 1 Peter 1:3-4 (MSG)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Go Tell It On The Mountain
The youth of the New Hope Baptist Church gave a wonderful version of the Gospel song,"Go Tell It On The Mountain"
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Youth of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
After a wonderful service, yesterday the youth gathered for this group photo.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
"Providing Able Men For The Task" - Exodus 18:20-23
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church will be holding its annual Men's day program.
Pastor Dunham of the Friendship Baptist Church along with the Friendship family and the Mount Nebo Baptist Church will be participating in the event.
Pastor Dunham of the Friendship Baptist Church along with the Friendship family and the Mount Nebo Baptist Church will be participating in the event.
When: Sunday, November 27th 2011 at 03:30pm
Where: New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Sunday, November 13, 2011
Give Me That Old Time Religion - The Sunshine Band
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Clean It Up
Orbit chewing gum ran a commercial years ago that asked one question: "Got a dirty mouth?” The commercial goes on to make a suggestion: “Clean it up with Orbit" Got a dirty mouth? The question may be more spiritually relevant to understanding the power of the tongue than we think.
A dirty mouth consists of anything that prevents the rivers of life from flowing in your life. Jesus reminds us that believers are to be sources of "rivers of living water" (John 7:38). We are to be sources of living water for those around us. And that water flows most powerfully through the words we speak (or in some cases, through what we don’t speak). What’s interrupting your flow? Clean it up! Cleaning up your mouth may mean avoiding people who gossip or not becoming a gossip yourself. Husbands, cleaning up your mouth may mean not getting frustrated with your wife and refusing to talk to her. Wives, cleaning up your mouth may mean that you don’t have permission to cop an attitude when you have a bad day.
There are times when we all need God's Brita system (His Spirit) to help clean up our mouths? Anger, strife, bitterness and discontentment continually attempt to filter dirt into our river systems. We let things slip out of our mouths that we don’t really mean. We begin to be controlled by our tongue. We lash out without thinking of the consequences. Until we realize the importance of rivers of life flowing in our lives, we’ll continue to allow these things to hinder our walk with God.
Then again, sometimes our tongue speaks without speaking. It speaks through our actions. Words often attributed to St. Francis Assisi gave us the following exhortation: “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” In other words, your actions at times take on a form of speech. In a very real way, the power of the tongue is demonstrated by your actions. Have you ever felt like not being bothered? Have you ever gotten upset about getting unexpected company? Maybe it’s just me. I don’t like when people show up and interrupt what I’m doing. I sit there the whole time thinking of the hundred other things I could be doing, while nodding my head like I’m listening. I learned one hard lesson.
That moment of perceived inconvenience can mean the world to someone else.
Many of the conversations I have don't happen by chance. They become God-ordained opportunities to minister words of life to others. There are moments in our day when God plants us strategically to become beacons of lights to others. The way you perceive inconvenience speaks volumes, even if you aren’t speaking.
Start changing your language (both external and internal). Start changing how you view inconveniences in your life. Can you pinpoint times in your life when anger or bitterness might have filtered dirt into your river system? How about times where you missed Jesus and weren’t in the right location (either physically or spiritually) to minister to others? Aren’t you ready for the river of life to resume flowing through you? Evaluate the power of your tongue by both the words you speak and the actions that speak for you.
Scripture Of The Day: “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?” - James 3:10-11 (NKJV)
A dirty mouth consists of anything that prevents the rivers of life from flowing in your life. Jesus reminds us that believers are to be sources of "rivers of living water" (John 7:38). We are to be sources of living water for those around us. And that water flows most powerfully through the words we speak (or in some cases, through what we don’t speak). What’s interrupting your flow? Clean it up! Cleaning up your mouth may mean avoiding people who gossip or not becoming a gossip yourself. Husbands, cleaning up your mouth may mean not getting frustrated with your wife and refusing to talk to her. Wives, cleaning up your mouth may mean that you don’t have permission to cop an attitude when you have a bad day.
There are times when we all need God's Brita system (His Spirit) to help clean up our mouths? Anger, strife, bitterness and discontentment continually attempt to filter dirt into our river systems. We let things slip out of our mouths that we don’t really mean. We begin to be controlled by our tongue. We lash out without thinking of the consequences. Until we realize the importance of rivers of life flowing in our lives, we’ll continue to allow these things to hinder our walk with God.
Then again, sometimes our tongue speaks without speaking. It speaks through our actions. Words often attributed to St. Francis Assisi gave us the following exhortation: “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” In other words, your actions at times take on a form of speech. In a very real way, the power of the tongue is demonstrated by your actions. Have you ever felt like not being bothered? Have you ever gotten upset about getting unexpected company? Maybe it’s just me. I don’t like when people show up and interrupt what I’m doing. I sit there the whole time thinking of the hundred other things I could be doing, while nodding my head like I’m listening. I learned one hard lesson.
That moment of perceived inconvenience can mean the world to someone else.
Many of the conversations I have don't happen by chance. They become God-ordained opportunities to minister words of life to others. There are moments in our day when God plants us strategically to become beacons of lights to others. The way you perceive inconvenience speaks volumes, even if you aren’t speaking.
Start changing your language (both external and internal). Start changing how you view inconveniences in your life. Can you pinpoint times in your life when anger or bitterness might have filtered dirt into your river system? How about times where you missed Jesus and weren’t in the right location (either physically or spiritually) to minister to others? Aren’t you ready for the river of life to resume flowing through you? Evaluate the power of your tongue by both the words you speak and the actions that speak for you.
Scripture Of The Day: “Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?” - James 3:10-11 (NKJV)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A Hard Truth
A Hard Truth
I struggled for several weeks with whether I should really answer a question that a friend, wanting my opinion, posed to me. I didn't struggle with the wisdom I would share. Nor did I struggle with my ability to communicate the truth in a way for it to be understood. My struggle wasn't even about my friend’s reaction or our relationship long-term. My uneasiness was focused on the lifestyle adjustments that this new wisdom would require. It would require him to do one of the hardest things in life to do. And that is, change.
It was a hard truth that needed to be heard, but it would be much harder to implement and live by.
This is the same reality that we face in the area of holiness. Many of you that are reading this today know that holiness is not a denomination, nor a cultural phenomenon. It is a biblical mandate that still holds true, despite its branding of being out of date, out of style, or even that it requires what I call 'spooky religious' behavior.
The mandate of holiness is a hard truth that can be hard to discuss and converse about, but it still requires change, accountability, consistency, maturity and obedience.
New believers don't believe that it's attainable. 'Churched' Christians minimize it as old fashioned. Carnal Christians ignore it. And rigid (Pharisaic) Christians use it (the concept) as weapons to belittle and manipulate others.
With all of this division, God’s Word still carries the expectation and requirement that holiness is the standard, which leads us to the question: If God’s Word expects it, how do we actually live that out in our daily lives?
1 Peter 1: 13-16 provides clear instruction on this process of moving toward holiness. Indeed, it is a process that is more marathon and triathlon than sprint and quick jogs. This passage shows us in a very practical way how to begin to live out holiness in our daily life.
Peter writes to believers, in a simple approach, that we must:
1. Prepare Ourselves (v. 13)
2. Purge Ourselves (v. 13)
3. Position Ourselves (v. 14)
4. Purpose Ourselves (v. 14)
We prepare our hearts, minds and bodies to act in a way that pleases God. This requires an intentional plan of action that puts us on alert to doing God’s will. It is the same effect as when we drive a car and immediately our sense of lawfulness arises and we begin to check our speed, confirm that we are buckled in, ponder our tag expiration, etc. When we prepare for holiness, we alert ourselves to the presence of God.
We purge our hearts, mind and bodies of things that don’t reflect the character and nature of God. The good news is that God doesn’t require us to complete this process alone. He has offered the Holy Spirit to be an active part of our lives and thus enable us to live according His Word.
We position ourselves on the hope that the grace of Jesus Christ provides. This provision is one that is of faith, hope and love – all of which are unconditional. We position ourselves to live holy lifestyles when we extend to others what we have been recipients of.
Finally, we purpose and commit to living holy regardless of the adjustments, change and awkwardness it takes. The tension that comes from pursuing God is well worth enduring and embracing. This hard truth may hurt our toes, but it’ll help us walk better.
Scripture Of The Day: "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do." - 1 Peter 1: 14-15 (NIV)
I struggled for several weeks with whether I should really answer a question that a friend, wanting my opinion, posed to me. I didn't struggle with the wisdom I would share. Nor did I struggle with my ability to communicate the truth in a way for it to be understood. My struggle wasn't even about my friend’s reaction or our relationship long-term. My uneasiness was focused on the lifestyle adjustments that this new wisdom would require. It would require him to do one of the hardest things in life to do. And that is, change.
It was a hard truth that needed to be heard, but it would be much harder to implement and live by.
This is the same reality that we face in the area of holiness. Many of you that are reading this today know that holiness is not a denomination, nor a cultural phenomenon. It is a biblical mandate that still holds true, despite its branding of being out of date, out of style, or even that it requires what I call 'spooky religious' behavior.
The mandate of holiness is a hard truth that can be hard to discuss and converse about, but it still requires change, accountability, consistency, maturity and obedience.
New believers don't believe that it's attainable. 'Churched' Christians minimize it as old fashioned. Carnal Christians ignore it. And rigid (Pharisaic) Christians use it (the concept) as weapons to belittle and manipulate others.
With all of this division, God’s Word still carries the expectation and requirement that holiness is the standard, which leads us to the question: If God’s Word expects it, how do we actually live that out in our daily lives?
1 Peter 1: 13-16 provides clear instruction on this process of moving toward holiness. Indeed, it is a process that is more marathon and triathlon than sprint and quick jogs. This passage shows us in a very practical way how to begin to live out holiness in our daily life.
Peter writes to believers, in a simple approach, that we must:
1. Prepare Ourselves (v. 13)
2. Purge Ourselves (v. 13)
3. Position Ourselves (v. 14)
4. Purpose Ourselves (v. 14)
We prepare our hearts, minds and bodies to act in a way that pleases God. This requires an intentional plan of action that puts us on alert to doing God’s will. It is the same effect as when we drive a car and immediately our sense of lawfulness arises and we begin to check our speed, confirm that we are buckled in, ponder our tag expiration, etc. When we prepare for holiness, we alert ourselves to the presence of God.
We purge our hearts, mind and bodies of things that don’t reflect the character and nature of God. The good news is that God doesn’t require us to complete this process alone. He has offered the Holy Spirit to be an active part of our lives and thus enable us to live according His Word.
We position ourselves on the hope that the grace of Jesus Christ provides. This provision is one that is of faith, hope and love – all of which are unconditional. We position ourselves to live holy lifestyles when we extend to others what we have been recipients of.
Finally, we purpose and commit to living holy regardless of the adjustments, change and awkwardness it takes. The tension that comes from pursuing God is well worth enduring and embracing. This hard truth may hurt our toes, but it’ll help us walk better.
Scripture Of The Day: "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do." - 1 Peter 1: 14-15 (NIV)
Monday, September 12, 2011
For the Sake Of
For the Sake Of
Have you ever been in a situation where someone had a need and you did not have enough money to help that person? I have. Or have you heard about a ministry that didn't have enough to feed people, buy clothing or shoes for others in need, and not have anything extra to give to it yourself? I have.
To want to give and not be able to is an awful feeling, isn't it? Yet, is it right for us as God's people to ask and seek to be prosperous? Yes, it is! And what is to be our motive to being prosperous? It is for the sake of the House of the Lord our God!
See, if we have only enough for ourselves, we do not have anything left to give. We have to be blessed to be a blessing! If we are ONLY asking God to meet our needs and not asking and seeking Him for prosperity, then we are only thinking and asking for ourselves. And if we are the only ones on our minds, we are being selfish.
You may be thinking, "Pastor, I thought money was the root of all evil!" No, the Word says that the LOVE of money is the problem (1Timothy 6:10). It is when MONEY HAS YOU, instead of YOU HAVING MONEY! When the church is not prosperous, she cannot feed the hungry, clothe the naked and go and tell the world about Jesus! (Matthew 25:36,37, Mark 16:15)
The Gospel — the Good News of Jesus — is free, but the avenues to get it to the people are expensive! To take a plane or truck full of food, water, clothing and medical needs to places costs money. When the church is prosperous, she can fulfill the needs of people. When the church is in lack, she can only do for herself.
So, why do we need to ask God and seek Him to be prosperous? Because others are needing to eat food and drink clean water. Others are waiting for help to come. Others are praying for someone to come and lend a hand to them as they are struggling. A man or woman will be better able to hear the Good News of Jesus if they have been fed a meal when they are hungry. A Nation will want to hear what you have to say about Jesus Christ if they and their babies are not dying from polluted water. A village will be able to understand that God loves them if they see God's people come to them and give them warm blankets and shoes for their feet.
See church, seeking and asking God to prosper you is not all about you. God needs His Body — the church — to go and love people to God, Himself. And the only way is if we have the means to give and go and buy and send.
Prosperity is not only a blessing to us, it is life or death to others! Ask God to prosper you. Seek the Lord passionately about bringing prosperity into your life. For it is not just for our sake, it is truly for the sake of the House of the Lord our God!
Scripture Of The Day: "For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity." - Psalm 122:9 (NIV)
Have you ever been in a situation where someone had a need and you did not have enough money to help that person? I have. Or have you heard about a ministry that didn't have enough to feed people, buy clothing or shoes for others in need, and not have anything extra to give to it yourself? I have.
To want to give and not be able to is an awful feeling, isn't it? Yet, is it right for us as God's people to ask and seek to be prosperous? Yes, it is! And what is to be our motive to being prosperous? It is for the sake of the House of the Lord our God!
See, if we have only enough for ourselves, we do not have anything left to give. We have to be blessed to be a blessing! If we are ONLY asking God to meet our needs and not asking and seeking Him for prosperity, then we are only thinking and asking for ourselves. And if we are the only ones on our minds, we are being selfish.
You may be thinking, "Pastor, I thought money was the root of all evil!" No, the Word says that the LOVE of money is the problem (1Timothy 6:10). It is when MONEY HAS YOU, instead of YOU HAVING MONEY! When the church is not prosperous, she cannot feed the hungry, clothe the naked and go and tell the world about Jesus! (Matthew 25:36,37, Mark 16:15)
The Gospel — the Good News of Jesus — is free, but the avenues to get it to the people are expensive! To take a plane or truck full of food, water, clothing and medical needs to places costs money. When the church is prosperous, she can fulfill the needs of people. When the church is in lack, she can only do for herself.
So, why do we need to ask God and seek Him to be prosperous? Because others are needing to eat food and drink clean water. Others are waiting for help to come. Others are praying for someone to come and lend a hand to them as they are struggling. A man or woman will be better able to hear the Good News of Jesus if they have been fed a meal when they are hungry. A Nation will want to hear what you have to say about Jesus Christ if they and their babies are not dying from polluted water. A village will be able to understand that God loves them if they see God's people come to them and give them warm blankets and shoes for their feet.
See church, seeking and asking God to prosper you is not all about you. God needs His Body — the church — to go and love people to God, Himself. And the only way is if we have the means to give and go and buy and send.
Prosperity is not only a blessing to us, it is life or death to others! Ask God to prosper you. Seek the Lord passionately about bringing prosperity into your life. For it is not just for our sake, it is truly for the sake of the House of the Lord our God!
Scripture Of The Day: "For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity." - Psalm 122:9 (NIV)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
God’s Promotion
God’s Promotion
The way that God promotes someone is a lot different than the way we would. Our way to get promoted would be to work very hard, learn the way the system goes, and then use that same system to get further ahead. Our way may rely on contacts, favors and even “who you know.” Our way may be based on rubbing elbows with someone, or could even be credited to something called “luck.”
We would also promote someone else based on these same factors. Either way, we will work very hard for promotion, and after we get it or give it, we like to take the credit for all that has been done!
Let’s look at God’s way of promoting. He delights in exalting the humble person. “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11). Someone who is humble is not proud, and they don’t mind “going down to get up.” They know that someday, for reasons that are only known to God, they are going to be invited to move on up a little higher!
When it’s all said and done, with an act of our will, we need to step down from our own agendas for our lives. Then as we pray and spend more time with the Lord, we begin to pick up small everyday insights into God’s great big plans of success for our lives. As we continue to walk in obedience and faith, and stick to HIS agenda, our promotions to success that God has for us will happen!
PRAYER: Lord God, if you find any trace of pride or self-promotion in our hearts, we ask that you take it away, and then give us the attitude and heart of a humble servant. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Scripture Of the Day: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” - Luke 14:11 (NKJV)
The way that God promotes someone is a lot different than the way we would. Our way to get promoted would be to work very hard, learn the way the system goes, and then use that same system to get further ahead. Our way may rely on contacts, favors and even “who you know.” Our way may be based on rubbing elbows with someone, or could even be credited to something called “luck.”
We would also promote someone else based on these same factors. Either way, we will work very hard for promotion, and after we get it or give it, we like to take the credit for all that has been done!
Let’s look at God’s way of promoting. He delights in exalting the humble person. “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11). Someone who is humble is not proud, and they don’t mind “going down to get up.” They know that someday, for reasons that are only known to God, they are going to be invited to move on up a little higher!
When it’s all said and done, with an act of our will, we need to step down from our own agendas for our lives. Then as we pray and spend more time with the Lord, we begin to pick up small everyday insights into God’s great big plans of success for our lives. As we continue to walk in obedience and faith, and stick to HIS agenda, our promotions to success that God has for us will happen!
PRAYER: Lord God, if you find any trace of pride or self-promotion in our hearts, we ask that you take it away, and then give us the attitude and heart of a humble servant. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Scripture Of the Day: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” - Luke 14:11 (NKJV)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Power Outages
A few weeks ago, a very powerful storm swept through the city and caused thousands to be without power for days. The force of the storm caused homes to be damaged and thousands of vehicles to be ruined, but thankfully only a small number of individuals were physically impacted during the storm.
The emotional toll was high and the other life expense of being without power was tremendous. Individuals and families were forced to replace refrigerators filled to capacity with food items. Others had to make alternative sleeping arrangements for an assortment of reasons. With no power for almost a full week, businesses also suffered greatly. Reports indicate that it may take up to one year for them to totally recover.
When the power is disconnected, we begin to realize how much we depend on it. There was no power to charge cellular phones, power up the internet signal, cook food, turn on lights to navigate dark homes, and no juice to cool (or heat) homes. Even simple recreational activities that don’t require power had to be adjusted. The power outages negatively affected everything!
The same way that we’ve had those power outages, many are starting to see the real affects of power outages happening in the spiritual lives of many believers. If a physical storm had that much influence and affect on people’s lives, can you imagine the reach of spiritual power outages?
Spiritual power outages are caused by:
A) Inconsistent spiritual living
B) Inappropriate placement of the role of the Holy Spirit
C) Insufficient submission to the Power of the Holy Spirit
D) Inconvenient manipulation of the purpose of the Holy Spirit
It is clear from scripture and practical wisdom that the Holy Spirit wants to play a much larger role in the life of the believer than many are allowing. Without adequate usage, the result is a significant power outage. The consequence of spiritual power outages leaves any believer tired all the time, overwhelmed by the spiritual and mental challenges of life, weighed down by ‘serving’ in ministry, emotionally inconsistent, and too weak to do any level of spiritual warfare. All of these factors will yield an ineffective ambassador in God’s kingdom.
What’s the solution? The easy answer is that every believer must make sure that the Power of the Holy Spirit can properly flow in their lives. The tough answer is that there must be a daily process of transformation that allows the Holy Spirit permission to plug into our lives and release His power in us in everything that we do, think, say, and everywhere we go. It is only when we allow His power to flow in our lives daily, that we are able to expand our capacity to handle his powerful charge.
Just like a building must be equipped to handle the voltage (level of power) that the generator (or power boxes) produces, every believer must grow to the point of handling that much power! Are you ready?
1) Don’t be afraid – grant Him permission to flow in every area of your life.
2) Don’t over analyze – give Him space to cause you to walk by faith without boxing Him in.
3) Don’t be arrogant – give Him the credit for everything that He does supernaturally in your life.
4) Don’t be anxious – give Him the time to work in your life without you running ahead of Him.
5) Don’t be artificial – give Him the opportunity to show that He works in real people living real lives, not hyper-spiritual people that are out of touch with reality.
There are probably more things that you can add to this list. What are the things in your life that could cause a spiritual power outage in your life? Whatever they are and however they show up, work to remove them! They’re blocking the flow of power in your life that you’ve only experienced the tip of. No more power outages!
Scripture Of The Day: "It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]" - John 6:63 (AMP)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Faith Test
(Taken from “The Strategy of Satan”)
How can the believer know that he is living by faith? It is so easy for us to be fooled by our own feelings (“But it seemed right to do it!”) or by the circumstances around us, or by Satan and his demonic powers. Are there any tests that the Christian can apply to his decision and actions to determine weather or not he is walking by faith? Yes, there are four practical tests.
1. “Am I doing this for the glory of God, or just to please myself?”
2. “Am I rushing ahead impetuously, or am I willing to wait?”
3. “Can I defend what I am doing from the Word of God?”
4. “As I contemplate this move, do I have joy and peace within?”
(Taken from “The Strategy of Satan”)
How can the believer know that he is living by faith? It is so easy for us to be fooled by our own feelings (“But it seemed right to do it!”) or by the circumstances around us, or by Satan and his demonic powers. Are there any tests that the Christian can apply to his decision and actions to determine weather or not he is walking by faith? Yes, there are four practical tests.
1. “Am I doing this for the glory of God, or just to please myself?”
2. “Am I rushing ahead impetuously, or am I willing to wait?”
3. “Can I defend what I am doing from the Word of God?”
4. “As I contemplate this move, do I have joy and peace within?”
Friday, July 29, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A Powerful Witness
There is no greater impediment to the progress of the gospel than Christians who live hypocritical lives. The world can sympathize and be forgiving when it comes to the errors which befall us due to our fallible humanity. After all, we all make mistakes. Yet, what the world cannot tolerate is preaching from a person who has no credibility because of a lifestyle that goes directly against the message preached.
Indeed, God has ordained things to work such that the lost see Christ and believe His testimony to be credible when we live our lives as if Christ is truly alive and at work in our hearts. Thus, if we claim to be Christians and yet fail to let Christ rule in our hearts, we blind people from seeing Christ. Our testimony is a very serious matter because it is a powerful influence in pointing someone toward or away from Christ and salvation.
The Bible gives us several identifying marks which all Christians should possess and live out. The first is love. John 13:34-35 says, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." We must love all people, even those who irritate us to no end, who curse our God, and those who would like nothing more than to see us suffer. No matter what, we must be kindhearted and care for the well-being of others ahead of our own.
In a world devoted to self-seeking and where love has grown cold, this surely makes believers stand out. A second identifying mark is unity. John 17:21 says, "That they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me." If the world can see a unified family, a unified church, or a unified Bible study group, for example, then they might believe that Christ is indeed the Messiah sent from God to redeem the world from its sin.
The world understands division, destruction, and an "every man for himself" mentality. But to see a group of people live with kindness and gentleness toward one another even when they have nothing to gain from doing so, this is a sign from heaven that Christ is indwelling these people. A third mark is holiness. Hebrews 12:14 says, "Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord."
A consistent and God-honoring lifestyle is necessary for true love to be manifested, to be seen, and to accomplish its powerful witnessing work. If we live like the world, how can the world see Jesus in us? We must obey Romans 12:9 which says, "Let love be without hypocrisy." A fourth mark is good works. Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Christians might have love in their hearts and be walking in obedience, but if they are not putting their love into action, the world is not getting a chance to see Christ.
When love is acted out in good works toward others, the world can see and praise God in heaven. The church should be known for its pure and undefiled religion, going to those in need and seeking to meet their needs (James 1:27). Finally, a fifth mark is our hope. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."
The world should be able to see the hope which we have no matter what circumstances we face to the extent that it makes them ask us how we could have such a hope despite what is going on in our lives or around us. Whether things are good or bad, it should be obvious to all that we still believe that God loves us and that God is on the throne.
As we live out these identifying marks, the world will have to take notice. Perhaps we will be persecuted, but then again, we might just have a chance to share the gospel. Regardless, it is by God's design that the gospel is advanced through His people, and therefore His people must provide evidence to the message preached by how they live their lives. May God give us grace to let Christ shine brightly through us this day and each day forward for the sake of the testimony of our Savior.
Scripture Of The Day: "But sanctify the Lord God[a] in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." - 1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)
Indeed, God has ordained things to work such that the lost see Christ and believe His testimony to be credible when we live our lives as if Christ is truly alive and at work in our hearts. Thus, if we claim to be Christians and yet fail to let Christ rule in our hearts, we blind people from seeing Christ. Our testimony is a very serious matter because it is a powerful influence in pointing someone toward or away from Christ and salvation.
The Bible gives us several identifying marks which all Christians should possess and live out. The first is love. John 13:34-35 says, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." We must love all people, even those who irritate us to no end, who curse our God, and those who would like nothing more than to see us suffer. No matter what, we must be kindhearted and care for the well-being of others ahead of our own.
In a world devoted to self-seeking and where love has grown cold, this surely makes believers stand out. A second identifying mark is unity. John 17:21 says, "That they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me." If the world can see a unified family, a unified church, or a unified Bible study group, for example, then they might believe that Christ is indeed the Messiah sent from God to redeem the world from its sin.
The world understands division, destruction, and an "every man for himself" mentality. But to see a group of people live with kindness and gentleness toward one another even when they have nothing to gain from doing so, this is a sign from heaven that Christ is indwelling these people. A third mark is holiness. Hebrews 12:14 says, "Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord."
A consistent and God-honoring lifestyle is necessary for true love to be manifested, to be seen, and to accomplish its powerful witnessing work. If we live like the world, how can the world see Jesus in us? We must obey Romans 12:9 which says, "Let love be without hypocrisy." A fourth mark is good works. Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Christians might have love in their hearts and be walking in obedience, but if they are not putting their love into action, the world is not getting a chance to see Christ.
When love is acted out in good works toward others, the world can see and praise God in heaven. The church should be known for its pure and undefiled religion, going to those in need and seeking to meet their needs (James 1:27). Finally, a fifth mark is our hope. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."
The world should be able to see the hope which we have no matter what circumstances we face to the extent that it makes them ask us how we could have such a hope despite what is going on in our lives or around us. Whether things are good or bad, it should be obvious to all that we still believe that God loves us and that God is on the throne.
As we live out these identifying marks, the world will have to take notice. Perhaps we will be persecuted, but then again, we might just have a chance to share the gospel. Regardless, it is by God's design that the gospel is advanced through His people, and therefore His people must provide evidence to the message preached by how they live their lives. May God give us grace to let Christ shine brightly through us this day and each day forward for the sake of the testimony of our Savior.
Scripture Of The Day: "But sanctify the Lord God[a] in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear." - 1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sweet Jesus
Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus,
the most precious name I know;
His love and mercy follows me,
where ever in life I go.
I feel his hand of love,
I sense his guiding grace;
I found the meaning my life needs,
in his sacred place.
This sacred place I speak of,
you enter in through prayer;
When ever in life you need the Lord,
he is always there!
As a friend who loves and cares,
so very much for you;
And he truly understands,
all you are going through.
He understands the sorrows,
that plague your life today;
He knows the trials and temptations,
that are in your way.
He knows the desires of the flesh,
for the pleasures of sin;
He knows the desires of the heart,
to want to live for him.
The answers to the problems,
in life you face today;
Is to live for Jesus Christ,
and walk his holy way.
You can do this by coming before,
Gods holy sacred place;
Just bow your head, open your heart,
and receive Gods holy grace.
Then you will sing these words with me,
as on through life you go;
Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus,
the most precious name I know!
Minister D. Rose
the most precious name I know;
His love and mercy follows me,
where ever in life I go.
I feel his hand of love,
I sense his guiding grace;
I found the meaning my life needs,
in his sacred place.
This sacred place I speak of,
you enter in through prayer;
When ever in life you need the Lord,
he is always there!
As a friend who loves and cares,
so very much for you;
And he truly understands,
all you are going through.
He understands the sorrows,
that plague your life today;
He knows the trials and temptations,
that are in your way.
He knows the desires of the flesh,
for the pleasures of sin;
He knows the desires of the heart,
to want to live for him.
The answers to the problems,
in life you face today;
Is to live for Jesus Christ,
and walk his holy way.
You can do this by coming before,
Gods holy sacred place;
Just bow your head, open your heart,
and receive Gods holy grace.
Then you will sing these words with me,
as on through life you go;
Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus,
the most precious name I know!
Minister D. Rose
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Sunshine Band
The Sunshine Band performed at the New Hope Baptist Church 6th Annual Pastoral Celebration. A splendid time was had by all.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Keep Fighting
The word family is not mentioned in the Bible as much as the related word 'house' or 'household'. Family is frequently used throughout the Bible to signify the historical origin. A family might be a tribe or even a nation. In Acts 3:25 (NKJV) the promise to Abraham is quoted 'in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed'.
This is so significant because Jesus was apart of that seed in the flesh. Which says not only will Israel families benefit from that but also your family.
I would say within this last decade families have taken a major blow. The assault that has been committed physically looks like the institution of the family is loosing. However, the great news is that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. The family is so important today that we have to make up in our mind that we are willing to fight for what family represents, what family stands for, and what makes up a family.
When you're ready to acquire what God has for you, many times you won't be able to just walk into it; sometimes we have to fight for it. That's why you don't have time for folks who are jealous of your family when they don't know how hard you had to fight to get where you are today. There was a time you almost lost heart, there was a time you almost walked out, there was a time you almost gave up, but to God be the glory.
2 Corinthians 4:17 (NKJV) "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal".
You now understand that every affliction you went through was only for a moment even though at times it seem like it was lasting forever.
I want to make a declaration and say keep fighting! Keep fighting for your family. Whether you're fighting for your marriage; fighting for your family; or fighting for your future; just keep fighting! Don't you lose heart, and don't you give up!
This is your month of transformation, because you realize that your family is important and they are a blessing from God.
Scripture Of The Day: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:17 (NKJV)
This is so significant because Jesus was apart of that seed in the flesh. Which says not only will Israel families benefit from that but also your family.
I would say within this last decade families have taken a major blow. The assault that has been committed physically looks like the institution of the family is loosing. However, the great news is that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. The family is so important today that we have to make up in our mind that we are willing to fight for what family represents, what family stands for, and what makes up a family.
When you're ready to acquire what God has for you, many times you won't be able to just walk into it; sometimes we have to fight for it. That's why you don't have time for folks who are jealous of your family when they don't know how hard you had to fight to get where you are today. There was a time you almost lost heart, there was a time you almost walked out, there was a time you almost gave up, but to God be the glory.
2 Corinthians 4:17 (NKJV) "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal".
You now understand that every affliction you went through was only for a moment even though at times it seem like it was lasting forever.
I want to make a declaration and say keep fighting! Keep fighting for your family. Whether you're fighting for your marriage; fighting for your family; or fighting for your future; just keep fighting! Don't you lose heart, and don't you give up!
This is your month of transformation, because you realize that your family is important and they are a blessing from God.
Scripture Of The Day: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:17 (NKJV)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Who Do You Have?
The Importance Of Family
Who protects you? When the Christians in Jerusalem wanted nothing to do with the newly converted Saul of Tarsus, Barnabas acted as his advocate. You don’t have enough voices. You need others to speak up for you.
Who shares your tears? Mary of Bethany was the only person in the room who understood what Jesus was going through as He came closer to His hour of death. She alone shared His tears.
Who’s close enough to you to pick up on the signals, to sense when fears and tears need to be shared? Yes, there are times when we need a pep talk or a shot in the arm, but there are also times when we need to be encouraged to lie low, to process our emotions. Who does that for you? Who rebukes you?
Even with 20/20 vision, one pair of eyes is not enough. You have blind spots. Satan is always ready to remind you of your good qualities. But a true friend is the one who exposes and challenges your self-seeking, self-pleasing and self-dependence, and helps you to restore to God the authority you’ve robbed Him of.
Who plays with you? Does this sound unimportant, even carnal? No! You must never let the seriousness of life override your need for recreation, a word that’s only understood when it’s hyphenated, re-creation. Who seeks God with you.
Praying together keeps us honest. It also keeps us dependent on God. We’re reluctant to open up, to get real about our areas of struggle. Yet it’s only in the honesty of shared prayer that we draw closer to God – and to one another.
Scripture Of The Day: “Two are better than one.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV)
Who protects you? When the Christians in Jerusalem wanted nothing to do with the newly converted Saul of Tarsus, Barnabas acted as his advocate. You don’t have enough voices. You need others to speak up for you.
Who shares your tears? Mary of Bethany was the only person in the room who understood what Jesus was going through as He came closer to His hour of death. She alone shared His tears.
Who’s close enough to you to pick up on the signals, to sense when fears and tears need to be shared? Yes, there are times when we need a pep talk or a shot in the arm, but there are also times when we need to be encouraged to lie low, to process our emotions. Who does that for you? Who rebukes you?
Even with 20/20 vision, one pair of eyes is not enough. You have blind spots. Satan is always ready to remind you of your good qualities. But a true friend is the one who exposes and challenges your self-seeking, self-pleasing and self-dependence, and helps you to restore to God the authority you’ve robbed Him of.
Who plays with you? Does this sound unimportant, even carnal? No! You must never let the seriousness of life override your need for recreation, a word that’s only understood when it’s hyphenated, re-creation. Who seeks God with you.
Praying together keeps us honest. It also keeps us dependent on God. We’re reluctant to open up, to get real about our areas of struggle. Yet it’s only in the honesty of shared prayer that we draw closer to God – and to one another.
Scripture Of The Day: “Two are better than one.” - Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Pass It Along
Pass It Along
Some US market researchers recently studied Twitter, to check out what kind of information is being posted on its web service. If you're not familiar with it, Twitter is a social networking site where people can pass along short messages, called "tweets," to their subscribers. Here's what they found:
Over 40 percent of the "tweets" were "Pointless Babble," stuff like "I'm having a sandwich." Another 37 percent were listed as "Conversational," basically instant messages sent from one individual to another. Less than nine percent had any "Pass-Along Value," and "Self-Promotion," "Spam," and "News" items were even smaller than that. So, by far, the majority of the communication is trivial.
It's interesting that the subscribers to the "tweets" are called "followers." And it's interesting that those they're following are telling them things that are unimportant. Now, don't get the idea that I'm criticizing Twitter or similar web-based communication sites. I'm not. I use them myself, and our church in Salinas is on Blog.
But here's what I'm getting at. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a follower of the Savior of the world. You know the one who gave His life as a ransom for yours, and for anyone who believes. You have information that has "pass-along value." You know how people can be saved from the power of sin in their lives, and from the punishment for those sins.
So your communication should be more than just "pointless babble." It should be about the hope that you have in Jesus Christ. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8). Note that--your salvation is a gift from God! Isn't that wonderful news?
But look at Romans 10:14-15. "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!'"
Verse 12 reminds us that God "is rich to all who call upon him," and verse 13 says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." But first they have to get that message. Your job, and the job of every believer in Jesus Christ, is to make sure you pass it along to them.
Scripture Of The Day: "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?" - Romans 10:14 (NKJV)
Some US market researchers recently studied Twitter, to check out what kind of information is being posted on its web service. If you're not familiar with it, Twitter is a social networking site where people can pass along short messages, called "tweets," to their subscribers. Here's what they found:
Over 40 percent of the "tweets" were "Pointless Babble," stuff like "I'm having a sandwich." Another 37 percent were listed as "Conversational," basically instant messages sent from one individual to another. Less than nine percent had any "Pass-Along Value," and "Self-Promotion," "Spam," and "News" items were even smaller than that. So, by far, the majority of the communication is trivial.
It's interesting that the subscribers to the "tweets" are called "followers." And it's interesting that those they're following are telling them things that are unimportant. Now, don't get the idea that I'm criticizing Twitter or similar web-based communication sites. I'm not. I use them myself, and our church in Salinas is on Blog.
But here's what I'm getting at. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a follower of the Savior of the world. You know the one who gave His life as a ransom for yours, and for anyone who believes. You have information that has "pass-along value." You know how people can be saved from the power of sin in their lives, and from the punishment for those sins.
So your communication should be more than just "pointless babble." It should be about the hope that you have in Jesus Christ. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8). Note that--your salvation is a gift from God! Isn't that wonderful news?
But look at Romans 10:14-15. "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!'"
Verse 12 reminds us that God "is rich to all who call upon him," and verse 13 says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." But first they have to get that message. Your job, and the job of every believer in Jesus Christ, is to make sure you pass it along to them.
Scripture Of The Day: "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?" - Romans 10:14 (NKJV)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
So, remember this: There is no pain or sorrow that we go through that is too great for Jesus to get us through. You know something else? Sometimes we learn the most through these situations of grief. Don't keep running and panicking and going crazy. God is right there beside you, and if you just be still and know He is there, He WILL help you and comfort you. But you must make the choice that you are going to follow Him no matter what people about you or about what you are doing for God!!! The world hates disciples, but it first hated Jesus! Isn't it comforting to know someone has gone through all the pain anyone on this earth may go through. No pain is too great for Jesus to understand.
Please, just trust in God no matter how rough life gets. God will always help you through the hard times and comfort you!!! Just don't ever take your focus off of Him and He will lead you into new discoveries that you never thought were possible! The world hates you because you serve Jesus Christ. God loves you because He created you and you are very special to Him!!! Think about this and really apply it to your life daily!
God Is My Everything
Minster D.Rose
Please, just trust in God no matter how rough life gets. God will always help you through the hard times and comfort you!!! Just don't ever take your focus off of Him and He will lead you into new discoveries that you never thought were possible! The world hates you because you serve Jesus Christ. God loves you because He created you and you are very special to Him!!! Think about this and really apply it to your life daily!
God Is My Everything
Minster D.Rose
If God Before
If God Before
James Augustine Joyce, one of the most influential writers of the early 20th century, once wrote these words: “Mistakes are portals of great discovery.”
This quote rang true when browsing online just a few months ago. I ran across a note that a dear friend wrote on her Facebook page as a source of encouragement and inspiration to those who followed and ‘befriended’ her online. In the note, she referenced a very familiar passage of scripture, yet while doing so, accidentally made a mistake with one particular word.
And although she quickly corrected it after a few of her friends had pointed it out, I believe the ‘mistake’ she made may serve as a great discovery for many of us as believers. Let’s see if you can find the word she wrote down in error:
“…if God before us, who can be against us?”
Did you find it? I can give you another moment if you need one. That’s right; the word BEFORE, according to Romans 8:31, should have actually been the words BE FOR. A simple mistake, but perhaps, not as incorrect as one may want to believe.
As believers, we must understand that our faith journey should not be dependent on what is PRESENTLY going on around us, nor should it be subject to what we fear is just AHEAD of us, but rather it should be rooted and grounded in the ONE who has gone BEFORE us.
A God who was there in the very BEGINNING…(John 1:1v)
A God who knew us BEFORE we were formed…(Jeremiah 1:5v)
A God who is BEFORE all things…(1 Colossians 1:17v)
And lastly, a God who BEFORE the very foundation of the world, chose to adopt you and I as His sons and daughters…(Ephesians 1:4-5v)
When we as believers truly understand that God is BEFORE us, we can take confidence in knowing that he will BE FOR anything we stand in need of. There is nothing in this world that can stand against those who serve a God who loves to go BEFORE.
I dare you to take a moment today and repeat these words:
If God BEFORE me, then He will BE FOR me.
If God BEFORE me, then He will BE FOR me.
If God BEFORE me, then He will BE FOR me.
Sounds correct to me.
Scripture Of The Day: "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." - Colossians 1:17 (NIV)
James Augustine Joyce, one of the most influential writers of the early 20th century, once wrote these words: “Mistakes are portals of great discovery.”
This quote rang true when browsing online just a few months ago. I ran across a note that a dear friend wrote on her Facebook page as a source of encouragement and inspiration to those who followed and ‘befriended’ her online. In the note, she referenced a very familiar passage of scripture, yet while doing so, accidentally made a mistake with one particular word.
And although she quickly corrected it after a few of her friends had pointed it out, I believe the ‘mistake’ she made may serve as a great discovery for many of us as believers. Let’s see if you can find the word she wrote down in error:
“…if God before us, who can be against us?”
Did you find it? I can give you another moment if you need one. That’s right; the word BEFORE, according to Romans 8:31, should have actually been the words BE FOR. A simple mistake, but perhaps, not as incorrect as one may want to believe.
As believers, we must understand that our faith journey should not be dependent on what is PRESENTLY going on around us, nor should it be subject to what we fear is just AHEAD of us, but rather it should be rooted and grounded in the ONE who has gone BEFORE us.
A God who was there in the very BEGINNING…(John 1:1v)
A God who knew us BEFORE we were formed…(Jeremiah 1:5v)
A God who is BEFORE all things…(1 Colossians 1:17v)
And lastly, a God who BEFORE the very foundation of the world, chose to adopt you and I as His sons and daughters…(Ephesians 1:4-5v)
When we as believers truly understand that God is BEFORE us, we can take confidence in knowing that he will BE FOR anything we stand in need of. There is nothing in this world that can stand against those who serve a God who loves to go BEFORE.
I dare you to take a moment today and repeat these words:
If God BEFORE me, then He will BE FOR me.
If God BEFORE me, then He will BE FOR me.
If God BEFORE me, then He will BE FOR me.
Sounds correct to me.
Scripture Of The Day: "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." - Colossians 1:17 (NIV)
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Difference Between Being Lost and Being Led
Many people who find themselves stuck in difficult situations often feel as if they've become lost. Somehow, they've arrived in a wilderness where everything has dried up and nothing seems to be growing.
Many of them have lived in this wilderness for so long that they have given up on things changing and concluded that this must be all God has in store for them. On numerous occasions, they have attempted to change their situation, but all of their efforts have failed.
If this sounds like you, you may not be lost at all! You may be squarely within the Will of God. All dry places in life are not the result of being lost. Sometimes God uses dry places as a place of preparation.
In Exodus 3:8, when God met Moses at the burning bush, He told him that He was going to deliver His people from bondage and into a land flowing with "milk and honey”. Yet, we know when God delivered His people from bondage, He led them directly into a "wilderness” where they spent 40 years.
We know that their wilderness experience had a purpose because the Bible tells us that there was a shorter route available that they could have taken and avoided the wilderness altogether. Exodus 13:17 says, "God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near."
Whenever God leads you somewhere, He has a purpose and a predestined place for you, even if the route is a long or a dry one.
Often, your wilderness is the doorway to your promise. At the initiation of Jesus' public ministry He was led into the wilderness first before He ever preached a sermon. If you are in a wilderness right now, remember what you learned while there because it will be necessary to sustain you in your Promised Land. Don't faint or lose heart. You may be at the door of your promise and purpose.
You may not have been lost at all.
You may have simply been led!
Scripture Of The Day: "Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness” - Exodus 15:22 (NASB)
Many of them have lived in this wilderness for so long that they have given up on things changing and concluded that this must be all God has in store for them. On numerous occasions, they have attempted to change their situation, but all of their efforts have failed.
If this sounds like you, you may not be lost at all! You may be squarely within the Will of God. All dry places in life are not the result of being lost. Sometimes God uses dry places as a place of preparation.
In Exodus 3:8, when God met Moses at the burning bush, He told him that He was going to deliver His people from bondage and into a land flowing with "milk and honey”. Yet, we know when God delivered His people from bondage, He led them directly into a "wilderness” where they spent 40 years.
We know that their wilderness experience had a purpose because the Bible tells us that there was a shorter route available that they could have taken and avoided the wilderness altogether. Exodus 13:17 says, "God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near."
Whenever God leads you somewhere, He has a purpose and a predestined place for you, even if the route is a long or a dry one.
Often, your wilderness is the doorway to your promise. At the initiation of Jesus' public ministry He was led into the wilderness first before He ever preached a sermon. If you are in a wilderness right now, remember what you learned while there because it will be necessary to sustain you in your Promised Land. Don't faint or lose heart. You may be at the door of your promise and purpose.
You may not have been lost at all.
You may have simply been led!
Scripture Of The Day: "Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness” - Exodus 15:22 (NASB)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
He Counted His Blessings
He Counted His Blessings
By Cindy Beall
This week's topic: Mothers
He told me he was depressed when I tucked him in last night. Of course that made my heart sad. As his momma, I don't want him to feel depressed. I also didn't just dismiss it because I don't want to be that parent who says, "Oh, you're fine." I want him to know that I will listen to him and consider what he has to say.
I prayed for him and because he attended a slumber party the night before where he only slept five hours, he drifted off to dreamland fairly quickly.
This morning he walked into my study and said, "Mom, remember when I was sad last night? Well, I thought about how sad I might be if I didn't have a house to live in or a family to love. Then, I realized how I do have that and it made me thankful."
My heart swelled with pride that only momma's get and I said, "You counted your blessings."
And he smiled and said, "Yeah, I guess I did."
Sometimes I grow weary in my mothering role, wondering if I am doing enough or saying enough or training them enough. And then God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, decides to bless me with a gift such as this. It's like God said to me, "See Cindy, he is listening. Keep up the hard work. It's paying off."
So I will keep training my sons to love Jesus, love others, walk in gratitude, give generously and serve their part of the world without expecting anything in return.
Moms, the hardest job we have is being mothers. I know how long the days are when you need that 14-month old to just take a nap. I know the struggles you face when you desire first-time obedience from your children and don’t receive it. I get that for once you just wish someone would thank you for all of the sacrifices you make.
Just remember that your efforts are not in vain. You are working for something eternal, more than just a temporary pat on the back. You are incredible women of God who are training the future men and women who will change the world for Christ.
Believe it. Own it. Step into it.
Scripture Of The Day: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
By Cindy Beall
This week's topic: Mothers
He told me he was depressed when I tucked him in last night. Of course that made my heart sad. As his momma, I don't want him to feel depressed. I also didn't just dismiss it because I don't want to be that parent who says, "Oh, you're fine." I want him to know that I will listen to him and consider what he has to say.
I prayed for him and because he attended a slumber party the night before where he only slept five hours, he drifted off to dreamland fairly quickly.
This morning he walked into my study and said, "Mom, remember when I was sad last night? Well, I thought about how sad I might be if I didn't have a house to live in or a family to love. Then, I realized how I do have that and it made me thankful."
My heart swelled with pride that only momma's get and I said, "You counted your blessings."
And he smiled and said, "Yeah, I guess I did."
Sometimes I grow weary in my mothering role, wondering if I am doing enough or saying enough or training them enough. And then God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, decides to bless me with a gift such as this. It's like God said to me, "See Cindy, he is listening. Keep up the hard work. It's paying off."
So I will keep training my sons to love Jesus, love others, walk in gratitude, give generously and serve their part of the world without expecting anything in return.
Moms, the hardest job we have is being mothers. I know how long the days are when you need that 14-month old to just take a nap. I know the struggles you face when you desire first-time obedience from your children and don’t receive it. I get that for once you just wish someone would thank you for all of the sacrifices you make.
Just remember that your efforts are not in vain. You are working for something eternal, more than just a temporary pat on the back. You are incredible women of God who are training the future men and women who will change the world for Christ.
Believe it. Own it. Step into it.
Scripture Of The Day: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
Monday, May 2, 2011
Communication is the Key
Want to communicate better with your spouse? Follow these six steps. They will help you and your spouse improve the way you talk to each other.
Step 1. Accept responsibility.
Poor communication is a two-way street. Therefore, you can't blame all of your issues on your spouse. Are you sarcastic or overly sensitive? Is the depth of your subject matter in conversations limited to girly stuff? Take responsibility for your role in the breakdown of your communication, so you can improve.
Step 2. Manage your emotions.
The quickest way to communicate better with your spouse is to manage your emotions. Men often struggle with the way the fairer sex reacts to toward them. Give your husband a break by reigning in the usual tears, ranting and sulking you display. In return, he will feel more comfortable expressing himself to you because the after effects are less stressful.
Step 3. Set aside time to talk.
Ambushing your spouse when he's busy isn't smart. Make time to time to talk, but be wise. Ask him to go on a walk or for a private lunch. Don't mention what you really want to do right away. Your guy will think he's in trouble. Instead, after you have had a few laughs, open up and let your words flow. He'll likely reciprocate.
Step 4. Focus on your subject.
Communicate better with your spouse by staying on subject. If you're upset about an unpaid bill or your child's poor grades, don't gravitate to other topics. Stay on subject until you come to a resolution. This way, the focus of your conversation won't get muddled and distract from your spouse's attention.
Step 5. Use the 60-second rule.
A common complaint men have about women is that they talk too much. They have a challenge listening to a tirade of what happened on your job during lunch or how you really think your best friend is jealous. For this reason, when you want to communicate an important idea or request to your mate, use the 60-second rule. Get straight to the point and say what you want him to hear under a minute. He will be able to hear and digest your words much easier.
Step 6. Seek help from a professional.
If steps 1 through 5 aren't enough to help you communicate better with your spouse, see a professional or your Pastor. A good counselor can help you and your mate sort out your problems. Just be sure you both agree on who you receive assistance from. With you both on the same page, you are more likely to have a breakthrough.
Try these six steps and you will communicate more effectively with your husband. You will fill more of the dead silence with words and get across your feelings in a more acceptable way.
Step 1. Accept responsibility.
Poor communication is a two-way street. Therefore, you can't blame all of your issues on your spouse. Are you sarcastic or overly sensitive? Is the depth of your subject matter in conversations limited to girly stuff? Take responsibility for your role in the breakdown of your communication, so you can improve.
Step 2. Manage your emotions.
The quickest way to communicate better with your spouse is to manage your emotions. Men often struggle with the way the fairer sex reacts to toward them. Give your husband a break by reigning in the usual tears, ranting and sulking you display. In return, he will feel more comfortable expressing himself to you because the after effects are less stressful.
Step 3. Set aside time to talk.
Ambushing your spouse when he's busy isn't smart. Make time to time to talk, but be wise. Ask him to go on a walk or for a private lunch. Don't mention what you really want to do right away. Your guy will think he's in trouble. Instead, after you have had a few laughs, open up and let your words flow. He'll likely reciprocate.
Step 4. Focus on your subject.
Communicate better with your spouse by staying on subject. If you're upset about an unpaid bill or your child's poor grades, don't gravitate to other topics. Stay on subject until you come to a resolution. This way, the focus of your conversation won't get muddled and distract from your spouse's attention.
Step 5. Use the 60-second rule.
A common complaint men have about women is that they talk too much. They have a challenge listening to a tirade of what happened on your job during lunch or how you really think your best friend is jealous. For this reason, when you want to communicate an important idea or request to your mate, use the 60-second rule. Get straight to the point and say what you want him to hear under a minute. He will be able to hear and digest your words much easier.
Step 6. Seek help from a professional.
If steps 1 through 5 aren't enough to help you communicate better with your spouse, see a professional or your Pastor. A good counselor can help you and your mate sort out your problems. Just be sure you both agree on who you receive assistance from. With you both on the same page, you are more likely to have a breakthrough.
Try these six steps and you will communicate more effectively with your husband. You will fill more of the dead silence with words and get across your feelings in a more acceptable way.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Treasure Box
SALINAS. Calif- The Treasure Box, in partnership with New Hope Baptist Church in Salinas and First Baptist Church of Pacific Grove, is launching in Monterey County this month to provide affordable food for everyone in the community.
For $32, the monthly Treasure Box provides enough food to feed a family of four for almost one week or an individual, such as a senior citizen or college student, for nearly a month. This program is for everyone; there are no income qualifiers or restrictions. The Monthly Treasure Box features a pre-assembled frozen box of 21-28 lbs of popular food brands, such as Sara Lee, Stouffers, and Kraft. Packed with food including 10-12 lbs. of protein, fruit vegetables, side dishes and a dessert.
Treasure Box says it costs less than half what people would pay at their grocery store. "I am so excited to bring our program into Salinas and the surrounding communities, with the price of Gas and Food continuing to rise, we hope to provide assistance to the residents of this community," said Community Outreach Representative Carrie Rounds, adding "Now people have an opportunity to stretch their food dollars with high quality food."
"We're in trouble and people are looking for a way to feed their families. Gas prices are going up so discretionary income that you had before you can't use anymore so you have to make sure your familiy is fed."
There are a variety of 4 different menus available, each for $32 per box and their newest box, "Simply Enough" that sells for $24. The deadline for ordering May Menus is Wednesday May 11th. Boxes are then available for pick-up on Saturday May 21st.
Customers can pre-order boxes online or through any one of the host sites; visit www.thetreasurebox.org for a complete list of available locations.
The Treasure Box food program is a fast growing food outreach of its kind in California and Arizona and is rapidly helping more and more every month in Nevada as The Treasure Box recently expanded to Las Vegas. The Treasure Box's rapid growth has been in response to the great need for affordable food and the tremendous impact this program has allowed it's over 400 partners to make in the communities they serve.
Information about their Partners:
New Hope Baptist Church- 221 King St. Salinas, CA 93905. 831-422-4419. To place cash orders, call 831-422-4419 to make an appointment
First Baptist Church Pacific Grove- 246 Laurel Ave. Pacific Grove, CA 93950. 831-794-8485. To place cash orders, visit the Church on Sundays between 10 AM-12 PM or Wednesdays 6:30 PM-8:00 PM.
New Birth Baptist Church- 40 Blanca Lane Watsonville, CA 95076
For $32, the monthly Treasure Box provides enough food to feed a family of four for almost one week or an individual, such as a senior citizen or college student, for nearly a month. This program is for everyone; there are no income qualifiers or restrictions. The Monthly Treasure Box features a pre-assembled frozen box of 21-28 lbs of popular food brands, such as Sara Lee, Stouffers, and Kraft. Packed with food including 10-12 lbs. of protein, fruit vegetables, side dishes and a dessert.
Treasure Box says it costs less than half what people would pay at their grocery store. "I am so excited to bring our program into Salinas and the surrounding communities, with the price of Gas and Food continuing to rise, we hope to provide assistance to the residents of this community," said Community Outreach Representative Carrie Rounds, adding "Now people have an opportunity to stretch their food dollars with high quality food."
"We're in trouble and people are looking for a way to feed their families. Gas prices are going up so discretionary income that you had before you can't use anymore so you have to make sure your familiy is fed."
There are a variety of 4 different menus available, each for $32 per box and their newest box, "Simply Enough" that sells for $24. The deadline for ordering May Menus is Wednesday May 11th. Boxes are then available for pick-up on Saturday May 21st.
Customers can pre-order boxes online or through any one of the host sites; visit www.thetreasurebox.org for a complete list of available locations.
The Treasure Box food program is a fast growing food outreach of its kind in California and Arizona and is rapidly helping more and more every month in Nevada as The Treasure Box recently expanded to Las Vegas. The Treasure Box's rapid growth has been in response to the great need for affordable food and the tremendous impact this program has allowed it's over 400 partners to make in the communities they serve.
Information about their Partners:
New Hope Baptist Church- 221 King St. Salinas, CA 93905. 831-422-4419. To place cash orders, call 831-422-4419 to make an appointment
First Baptist Church Pacific Grove- 246 Laurel Ave. Pacific Grove, CA 93950. 831-794-8485. To place cash orders, visit the Church on Sundays between 10 AM-12 PM or Wednesdays 6:30 PM-8:00 PM.
New Birth Baptist Church- 40 Blanca Lane Watsonville, CA 95076
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Church May Have A Problem
Your Church May Have A Problem
Every week millions of Americans take time out of their busy schedules to visit a movie theatre and watch the latest releases that will do everything from take viewers on an emotional roller coaster to provoke a range of intellectual reflections. I think it’s safe to assume that a great deal of thought goes into the production, scripting, and casting of a movie, but more importantly it is clear that everyone must know their role.
The producer knows what they’ve got to do. The sound engineers know their responsibilities. Each casting member learns and memorizes their part. Because of this clarity, we are able to sit and enjoy a creative masterpiece. Ultimately, we’re able to leave having had an enjoyable experience.
This was Jesus’ original idea when He founded His baby, the church. He wanted people to be able to come and enjoy a creative experience. He wanted that experience to be so compelling and fulfilling that it would encourage them to not only want to get involved with it, but invite others to participate as well.
1 Corinthians 12: 14 (Amplified), “For the body does not consist of one limb or organ but of many.”
Here’s where the problem exists. While there is the potential and possibility of an amazing encounter, someone confuses what his role is in the entire process.
I agree with others that offer the notion that this confusion is satanically driven. But I also believe that maybe somewhere someone was not given a clear understanding of what their role really is. Interestingly enough, a lot of the confusion and frustration that comes along with being involved in one of the most powerful institutions ever created can be easily solved if I know how to maximize my purpose within it.
1 Corinthians 12: 15-21 (Amplified) reads, “If the foot should say, Because I am not the hand, I do not belong to the body, would it be therefore not [a part] of the body?”
If my singing skill level matched my desire, I would currently be one of the most recognizable voice professionals (singers) in the world. Because God seemingly didn’t grant that as one of my proficient skills, I have decided to become the best at what He’s designed me to be. If I maximize that role, I am a blessing and benefit to the body of Christ. I then become a part of this creative experience that leaves individuals in awe of the awesomeness of God and His creation.
If for some reason you are not clear on your purpose, you’ve decided to run from your purpose, or choose not to engage your gifts and talents, your church has a problem—it’s you. Your church needs and deserves you. It is impossible for you to maximize who God has called you to be if you are not active in a local church.
Let’s solve the problem today. If you commit to making the most of whom God has created you to be in your local church, you’ll find that you’ll live on a different level and with a different perspective. This is not simply committing to be busier or doing more stuff, this is deciding that you’re going to be the best you can be. When you do that, God will expand your living. Not only will your life change, but your involvement will help change the lives of others.
I may be too optimistic, but I believe that many of today’s problems can be reduced by the local church. We are Jesus’ representatives in the earth. There are millions waiting for the rich, rewarding, and enjoyable experience that the local church can offer. The local church can and should offer solid relationships, personal growth, intellectual development, spiritual growth, opportunities to impact their world, and most importantly, an opportunity to worship the true and living God. Give someone else a movie ticket; it’s time to fill up the theatre!
Scripture Of The Day: “For the body does not consist of one limb or organ but of many.” - 1 Corinthians 12:14 (AMP),
Every week millions of Americans take time out of their busy schedules to visit a movie theatre and watch the latest releases that will do everything from take viewers on an emotional roller coaster to provoke a range of intellectual reflections. I think it’s safe to assume that a great deal of thought goes into the production, scripting, and casting of a movie, but more importantly it is clear that everyone must know their role.
The producer knows what they’ve got to do. The sound engineers know their responsibilities. Each casting member learns and memorizes their part. Because of this clarity, we are able to sit and enjoy a creative masterpiece. Ultimately, we’re able to leave having had an enjoyable experience.
This was Jesus’ original idea when He founded His baby, the church. He wanted people to be able to come and enjoy a creative experience. He wanted that experience to be so compelling and fulfilling that it would encourage them to not only want to get involved with it, but invite others to participate as well.
1 Corinthians 12: 14 (Amplified), “For the body does not consist of one limb or organ but of many.”
Here’s where the problem exists. While there is the potential and possibility of an amazing encounter, someone confuses what his role is in the entire process.
I agree with others that offer the notion that this confusion is satanically driven. But I also believe that maybe somewhere someone was not given a clear understanding of what their role really is. Interestingly enough, a lot of the confusion and frustration that comes along with being involved in one of the most powerful institutions ever created can be easily solved if I know how to maximize my purpose within it.
1 Corinthians 12: 15-21 (Amplified) reads, “If the foot should say, Because I am not the hand, I do not belong to the body, would it be therefore not [a part] of the body?”
If my singing skill level matched my desire, I would currently be one of the most recognizable voice professionals (singers) in the world. Because God seemingly didn’t grant that as one of my proficient skills, I have decided to become the best at what He’s designed me to be. If I maximize that role, I am a blessing and benefit to the body of Christ. I then become a part of this creative experience that leaves individuals in awe of the awesomeness of God and His creation.
If for some reason you are not clear on your purpose, you’ve decided to run from your purpose, or choose not to engage your gifts and talents, your church has a problem—it’s you. Your church needs and deserves you. It is impossible for you to maximize who God has called you to be if you are not active in a local church.
Let’s solve the problem today. If you commit to making the most of whom God has created you to be in your local church, you’ll find that you’ll live on a different level and with a different perspective. This is not simply committing to be busier or doing more stuff, this is deciding that you’re going to be the best you can be. When you do that, God will expand your living. Not only will your life change, but your involvement will help change the lives of others.
I may be too optimistic, but I believe that many of today’s problems can be reduced by the local church. We are Jesus’ representatives in the earth. There are millions waiting for the rich, rewarding, and enjoyable experience that the local church can offer. The local church can and should offer solid relationships, personal growth, intellectual development, spiritual growth, opportunities to impact their world, and most importantly, an opportunity to worship the true and living God. Give someone else a movie ticket; it’s time to fill up the theatre!
Scripture Of The Day: “For the body does not consist of one limb or organ but of many.” - 1 Corinthians 12:14 (AMP),
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
We Had Church!

DSCF3555-1, a photo by Sleddog Rex on Flickr.
The New Hope Baptist Church experienced a wonderful service today.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Unanswered Prayers
I am so glad that God will overrule my prayers at times, because I have prayed for things fervently, believing they were the will of God, and they were flat-out wrong. I am so thankful that God said no to those prayers.
Yet I have heard some people say, "Never pray, 'Not my will, but Yours be done.' That is a lack of faith." Some have even said, "What you should really pray is, 'Not Your will, but mine be done.' Let's just say that I don't want to be standing too close to those people when lightning strikes, because they have things turned around.
Never be afraid to pray, "Not my will, but Yours be done." By saying that, you are simply saying, "Lord, I don't know all the facts. I don't know everything there is to know. My knowledge is limited. My experience is limited. So if what I am praying is outside of Your will for any reason, please graciously overrule it." You won't always understand how you should pray. What it comes down to is telling God that you want His will more than your own.
I know this is hard at times. Sometimes you don't understand why God doesn't give you what you ask for. When you are young and single, you may see a handsome guy or beautiful girl and just know that person is the one for you. But as the lyrics to a country song say, "Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers."
As time passes, you will look back with 20/20 hindsight, and you will say, "Thank God He did not answer my prayers," or "Thank God He answered my prayers," whichever the case may be.
Scripture Of The Day: And He was withdrawn from them about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done." - Luke 22:41-42 (NKJV)
Yet I have heard some people say, "Never pray, 'Not my will, but Yours be done.' That is a lack of faith." Some have even said, "What you should really pray is, 'Not Your will, but mine be done.' Let's just say that I don't want to be standing too close to those people when lightning strikes, because they have things turned around.
Never be afraid to pray, "Not my will, but Yours be done." By saying that, you are simply saying, "Lord, I don't know all the facts. I don't know everything there is to know. My knowledge is limited. My experience is limited. So if what I am praying is outside of Your will for any reason, please graciously overrule it." You won't always understand how you should pray. What it comes down to is telling God that you want His will more than your own.
I know this is hard at times. Sometimes you don't understand why God doesn't give you what you ask for. When you are young and single, you may see a handsome guy or beautiful girl and just know that person is the one for you. But as the lyrics to a country song say, "Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers."
As time passes, you will look back with 20/20 hindsight, and you will say, "Thank God He did not answer my prayers," or "Thank God He answered my prayers," whichever the case may be.
Scripture Of The Day: And He was withdrawn from them about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done." - Luke 22:41-42 (NKJV)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Top Ten Leadership Principles of Jesus
The Top Ten Leadership Principles of Jesus
1. Learn that leadership is servanthood. Servanthood begins with security. Jesus knew His position and was willing to not flaunt it. Jesus knew His calling and was willing to be faithful to it. Jesus knew His future and was willing to submit to it.
2. Let your purpose prioritize your life. Because Jesus developed priorities based upon His purpose:
• He successfully dealt with distractions.
• He wisely responded to personal rejection.
• He willingly suffered pain.
3. Live the life before you lead others. Jesus never begged anyone to believe in Him. He knew that integrity cannot be proven; it must be discerned. He never wasted time with critics. He kept His attention on His goal. He stayed focused.
4. Walk slowly through the crowd. Leadership impact is drawn not from official position, but from authentic relationships. (John 4:5-30, 8:1-11) "You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue." Jesus knew this.
5. Replenish yourself. Life is demanding. People are demanding. The more you succeed, the more you lead, the more people will demand of you. Replenishing yourself requires your attention. Faith walks out when fatigue walks in.
6. Call for great commitment. Jesus had the greatest product on earth - Salvation. He offered the human race an opportunity to have a relationship with God. He spoke of heaven and angels. "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you" (John 14:2).
7. Show security and strength when handling the tough issues. Jesus rose early. He who masters his time, masters his life. Jesus:
• Remained calm during difficult times.
• Agreed with his adversaries quickly.
• Handled wrong doing immediately.
• Finished what He started.
8. Lead on a higher level. Jesus lived on a higher level. Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you are going. Jesus loved on a higher level. God never consults your past to determine your future. Jesus led on a higher level.
9. Choose your key people.
10. Remember, there is no success without a successor.
1. Learn that leadership is servanthood. Servanthood begins with security. Jesus knew His position and was willing to not flaunt it. Jesus knew His calling and was willing to be faithful to it. Jesus knew His future and was willing to submit to it.
2. Let your purpose prioritize your life. Because Jesus developed priorities based upon His purpose:
• He successfully dealt with distractions.
• He wisely responded to personal rejection.
• He willingly suffered pain.
3. Live the life before you lead others. Jesus never begged anyone to believe in Him. He knew that integrity cannot be proven; it must be discerned. He never wasted time with critics. He kept His attention on His goal. He stayed focused.
4. Walk slowly through the crowd. Leadership impact is drawn not from official position, but from authentic relationships. (John 4:5-30, 8:1-11) "You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue." Jesus knew this.
5. Replenish yourself. Life is demanding. People are demanding. The more you succeed, the more you lead, the more people will demand of you. Replenishing yourself requires your attention. Faith walks out when fatigue walks in.
6. Call for great commitment. Jesus had the greatest product on earth - Salvation. He offered the human race an opportunity to have a relationship with God. He spoke of heaven and angels. "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you" (John 14:2).
7. Show security and strength when handling the tough issues. Jesus rose early. He who masters his time, masters his life. Jesus:
• Remained calm during difficult times.
• Agreed with his adversaries quickly.
• Handled wrong doing immediately.
• Finished what He started.
8. Lead on a higher level. Jesus lived on a higher level. Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you are going. Jesus loved on a higher level. God never consults your past to determine your future. Jesus led on a higher level.
9. Choose your key people.
10. Remember, there is no success without a successor.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Looking for A Few Water Walkers
Matthew 14:22-33
(If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat)
Instead of recognizing that he was the only disciple who even got out of the boat, he’s criticized for his lack of faith
This morning I want us to discover some principles for walking on water from Matthew 14. The best "how-to" book on the subject is by John Ortberg. I’d like to recommend it as your Summer time reading. My outline and much of the content of this sermon draws on John's book - I commend it to you. Which brings me to my first point about water walking.
1. Water Walkers will face Storms (14:22-24)
When you are serving God, and trying to be obedient to Christ, you will have to face storms. I’m not talking about physical storms that are common in nature, but the storms of trials and difficulty. Even sitting here today, you may be going through a storm. Maybe it’s money problems, or problems in a relationship. You might be having family problems, or problems at your job or school. We all have storms in life. Anyone who tells you Christianity is smooth sailing doesn’t understand what the Bible teaches about serving the Lord. 2 Tim. 3:12 says, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
Remember, the disciples were in a storm because they were trying to be obedient to Christ. Now that’s not the only reason storms come in the lives of believers. Remember Jonah? He had to go through a storm for correction, but on this occasion, for the disciples, this wasn’t a corrective storm because they were doing what Jesus had commanded them to do. Verse 22 says “Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side” And they did, or at least they tried to. And six hours later they had not made much progress. So remember first of all, obedient water walkers will face storms. Not if, but when you do, remember secondly,
2. Water walkers recognize God’s presence (14:25-28)
Recognise God’s presence in the storms. Jesus wanted to be alone to pray, so they were sent ahead without him. To them it was no big deal – they used boats for fishing on a daily basis. But this huge storm blew in – bigger than most storms. Matthew says that the boat was “buffeted” by the waves. It was so violent that the only thing the disciples could do was to keep the boat upright. (14:24)
By 3:00 am the storm was getting really bad. I can imagine that at that point – they weren’t worried about making it to the other side, – they just wanted to stay alive. Let that sink in. The disciples were in distress. It is about this time that Jesus decides to come toward them. Won’t He show up in the nick of time…
It’s interesting… he wasn’t in a boat and the disciples didn’t recognize him. (v. 25) It’s also interesting… being boatless didn’t seem to slow Jesus down at all. The disciples were convinced he was a ghost, so they were terrified and cried out in fear. (v.26) But Matthew wants us to know that sometimes it takes eyes of faith to recognize when Jesus is around.
Often during our own lives… we are tormented by waves of disappointment and doubt. And we are no better at recognizing his presence than they were. Probe with me a little today… what was Jesus up to, walking around on the lake at 3:00 am in the morning?
Mark tells us that Jesus “intended to pass them by” on the water, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought it was a ghost. Why did Jesus want to “pass by them?” “He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them” (Mark 6:48)
He was revealing his divine presence and power. It is interesting that the disciples entered the boat in the first place at Jesus’ command. (Matthew 14:22). They would have to learn – as does everyone in this room – that obedience is no guarantee of being spared adversity. But now… the storm has their full attention. Jesus decided that it was time for the disciples to get to know a little bit more about the guy who was piloting this storm.
Basically… Jesus wanted them to be able to trust him also in the storms. The problem was… “they just didn’t get it.” God was visiting them while walking on the water but they couldn’t see it. Matthew wants his readers to know that Jesus often comes when least expected – 3:00 a.m., in the middle of a storm. I believe that human extremity is a frequent meeting place with God. These are those divinely appointed defining moments that come into all of our lives. And… if you’re not looking for him, you just might miss him.
Twelve disciples sat in the boat and we don’t know how the other eleven responded to that voice. Were they confused? Did they respond with wonder? Disbelief? Or perhaps… a little of each! But one of them, Peter, was about to become a water walker. He recognized that God was present – even in the most unlikely place. He realized that this was an extraordinary opportunity for spiritual adventure and growth. So he got an idea. He decided to do something religious.
Remember, first, water walkers will face storms.
Secondly, water walkers recognize God’s presence.
3. Water walkers discern between faith and foolishness (14:28)
Peter blurted out to the water walker, “if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” (Matthew 14:28) Why does Matthew include this detail? Why doesn’t Peter just plunge into the water? I think it’s for a very important reason. This is not just a story about risk taking; it is primarily a story about obedience. That means i will have to discern between an authentic call from God and what might simply be a foolish impulse on my part. Courage alone is not enough; it must be accompanied by wisdom and discernment. Matthew is not just glorifying risk-taking. This is not a story about extreme sports. Its about extreme discipleship! This means that before Peter gets out of the boat – he had better make sure Jesus thinks it’s good idea. So he asks for clarity, “if it is you, command me…” I don’t know… but in that darkness – i think Jesus smiled. Maybe he laughed because one person got it. Peter had some inkling of what it is that the master was doing.
Not only that, Peter had enough faith to believe that he too could share the adventure. He decided he wanted to be part of history’s original water-walk. “command me.” Water walkers will face storms. Water walkers recognize God’s presence. Water walkers discern between faith and foolishness.
4. Water walkers get out of the boat (14:29)
Put yourself in the story. Picture in your mind how violent the storm must have been. It was strong enough to keep seasoned professionals struggling just to avoid being capsized. Imagine the size of the waves, the strength of the wind, the darkness of this night – and … no acupressure wrist bands or sea-legs tablets. These were the conditions under which Peter was gong to get out of the boat. It would be tough enough to try to walk on water when the water is calm, the sun is bright, and the air is still. Imagine trying to do it when the waves are crashing, the wind is at gale force, and it’s 3:00 a.m. in the morning… and you are terrified!
Put yourself in Peter’s place for a moment. You have a sudden insight into what Jesus is doing – the lord is passing by. Jesus is inviting you to go the adventure of your life. But at the same time, you’re scared to death. What would you choose – the water or the boat? The boat is safe, secure, and comfortable. On the other hand, the water is rough. The waves are high. The wind is strong. There’s a storm out there. And if you get out of the boat – whatever your boat happens to be – there’s a good chance you might sink! But… if you don’t get out of the boat – there’s a guaranteed certainty that you will never walk on the water. If you want to walk on water –you’ve got to get out of the boat. I believe there is something – someone – inside us who tells us there is more to life than sitting in the boat.
You and i were made for something more than merely avoiding failure. There’s something inside you that wants to walk on the water – to leave the comfort of routine existence and abandon yourself to the high adventure of following God. So let me ask you a very important question: what’s your boat? • your boat is whatever represents safety and security to you apart from God himself. • your boat is whatever you are tempted to put your trust in, especially when life gets a little stormy. • your boat is whatever keeps you so comfortable that you don’t want to give it up even if it’s keeping you from joining Jesus on the waves. • your boat is whatever pulls you away from the high adventure of extreme discipleship. Do you want to know what your boat is? Your fear will tell you. Just ask yourself this: what is it that most produces fear in me – especially when i think of leaving it behind and stepping out in faith? Vocation? Relationship? Successes? Failures? What area(s) in your life are shrinking back from fully and courageously trusting God? Fear will tell you what your boat is. Leaving it may be the hardest thing you ever do. But if you want to walk on the water, you’ve got to get out of the boat! Lets recap. Water walkers will face storms.
Water walkers recognize God’s presence.
Water walkers discern between faith and foolishness
Water walkers get out of the boat.
(If you want to walk on water you’ve got to get out of the boat)
Instead of recognizing that he was the only disciple who even got out of the boat, he’s criticized for his lack of faith
This morning I want us to discover some principles for walking on water from Matthew 14. The best "how-to" book on the subject is by John Ortberg. I’d like to recommend it as your Summer time reading. My outline and much of the content of this sermon draws on John's book - I commend it to you. Which brings me to my first point about water walking.
1. Water Walkers will face Storms (14:22-24)
When you are serving God, and trying to be obedient to Christ, you will have to face storms. I’m not talking about physical storms that are common in nature, but the storms of trials and difficulty. Even sitting here today, you may be going through a storm. Maybe it’s money problems, or problems in a relationship. You might be having family problems, or problems at your job or school. We all have storms in life. Anyone who tells you Christianity is smooth sailing doesn’t understand what the Bible teaches about serving the Lord. 2 Tim. 3:12 says, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
Remember, the disciples were in a storm because they were trying to be obedient to Christ. Now that’s not the only reason storms come in the lives of believers. Remember Jonah? He had to go through a storm for correction, but on this occasion, for the disciples, this wasn’t a corrective storm because they were doing what Jesus had commanded them to do. Verse 22 says “Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side” And they did, or at least they tried to. And six hours later they had not made much progress. So remember first of all, obedient water walkers will face storms. Not if, but when you do, remember secondly,
2. Water walkers recognize God’s presence (14:25-28)
Recognise God’s presence in the storms. Jesus wanted to be alone to pray, so they were sent ahead without him. To them it was no big deal – they used boats for fishing on a daily basis. But this huge storm blew in – bigger than most storms. Matthew says that the boat was “buffeted” by the waves. It was so violent that the only thing the disciples could do was to keep the boat upright. (14:24)
By 3:00 am the storm was getting really bad. I can imagine that at that point – they weren’t worried about making it to the other side, – they just wanted to stay alive. Let that sink in. The disciples were in distress. It is about this time that Jesus decides to come toward them. Won’t He show up in the nick of time…
It’s interesting… he wasn’t in a boat and the disciples didn’t recognize him. (v. 25) It’s also interesting… being boatless didn’t seem to slow Jesus down at all. The disciples were convinced he was a ghost, so they were terrified and cried out in fear. (v.26) But Matthew wants us to know that sometimes it takes eyes of faith to recognize when Jesus is around.
Often during our own lives… we are tormented by waves of disappointment and doubt. And we are no better at recognizing his presence than they were. Probe with me a little today… what was Jesus up to, walking around on the lake at 3:00 am in the morning?
Mark tells us that Jesus “intended to pass them by” on the water, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought it was a ghost. Why did Jesus want to “pass by them?” “He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them” (Mark 6:48)
He was revealing his divine presence and power. It is interesting that the disciples entered the boat in the first place at Jesus’ command. (Matthew 14:22). They would have to learn – as does everyone in this room – that obedience is no guarantee of being spared adversity. But now… the storm has their full attention. Jesus decided that it was time for the disciples to get to know a little bit more about the guy who was piloting this storm.
Basically… Jesus wanted them to be able to trust him also in the storms. The problem was… “they just didn’t get it.” God was visiting them while walking on the water but they couldn’t see it. Matthew wants his readers to know that Jesus often comes when least expected – 3:00 a.m., in the middle of a storm. I believe that human extremity is a frequent meeting place with God. These are those divinely appointed defining moments that come into all of our lives. And… if you’re not looking for him, you just might miss him.
Twelve disciples sat in the boat and we don’t know how the other eleven responded to that voice. Were they confused? Did they respond with wonder? Disbelief? Or perhaps… a little of each! But one of them, Peter, was about to become a water walker. He recognized that God was present – even in the most unlikely place. He realized that this was an extraordinary opportunity for spiritual adventure and growth. So he got an idea. He decided to do something religious.
Remember, first, water walkers will face storms.
Secondly, water walkers recognize God’s presence.
3. Water walkers discern between faith and foolishness (14:28)
Peter blurted out to the water walker, “if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” (Matthew 14:28) Why does Matthew include this detail? Why doesn’t Peter just plunge into the water? I think it’s for a very important reason. This is not just a story about risk taking; it is primarily a story about obedience. That means i will have to discern between an authentic call from God and what might simply be a foolish impulse on my part. Courage alone is not enough; it must be accompanied by wisdom and discernment. Matthew is not just glorifying risk-taking. This is not a story about extreme sports. Its about extreme discipleship! This means that before Peter gets out of the boat – he had better make sure Jesus thinks it’s good idea. So he asks for clarity, “if it is you, command me…” I don’t know… but in that darkness – i think Jesus smiled. Maybe he laughed because one person got it. Peter had some inkling of what it is that the master was doing.
Not only that, Peter had enough faith to believe that he too could share the adventure. He decided he wanted to be part of history’s original water-walk. “command me.” Water walkers will face storms. Water walkers recognize God’s presence. Water walkers discern between faith and foolishness.
4. Water walkers get out of the boat (14:29)
Put yourself in the story. Picture in your mind how violent the storm must have been. It was strong enough to keep seasoned professionals struggling just to avoid being capsized. Imagine the size of the waves, the strength of the wind, the darkness of this night – and … no acupressure wrist bands or sea-legs tablets. These were the conditions under which Peter was gong to get out of the boat. It would be tough enough to try to walk on water when the water is calm, the sun is bright, and the air is still. Imagine trying to do it when the waves are crashing, the wind is at gale force, and it’s 3:00 a.m. in the morning… and you are terrified!
Put yourself in Peter’s place for a moment. You have a sudden insight into what Jesus is doing – the lord is passing by. Jesus is inviting you to go the adventure of your life. But at the same time, you’re scared to death. What would you choose – the water or the boat? The boat is safe, secure, and comfortable. On the other hand, the water is rough. The waves are high. The wind is strong. There’s a storm out there. And if you get out of the boat – whatever your boat happens to be – there’s a good chance you might sink! But… if you don’t get out of the boat – there’s a guaranteed certainty that you will never walk on the water. If you want to walk on water –you’ve got to get out of the boat. I believe there is something – someone – inside us who tells us there is more to life than sitting in the boat.
You and i were made for something more than merely avoiding failure. There’s something inside you that wants to walk on the water – to leave the comfort of routine existence and abandon yourself to the high adventure of following God. So let me ask you a very important question: what’s your boat? • your boat is whatever represents safety and security to you apart from God himself. • your boat is whatever you are tempted to put your trust in, especially when life gets a little stormy. • your boat is whatever keeps you so comfortable that you don’t want to give it up even if it’s keeping you from joining Jesus on the waves. • your boat is whatever pulls you away from the high adventure of extreme discipleship. Do you want to know what your boat is? Your fear will tell you. Just ask yourself this: what is it that most produces fear in me – especially when i think of leaving it behind and stepping out in faith? Vocation? Relationship? Successes? Failures? What area(s) in your life are shrinking back from fully and courageously trusting God? Fear will tell you what your boat is. Leaving it may be the hardest thing you ever do. But if you want to walk on the water, you’ve got to get out of the boat! Lets recap. Water walkers will face storms.
Water walkers recognize God’s presence.
Water walkers discern between faith and foolishness
Water walkers get out of the boat.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Confidence In Prayer
Are you tired of praying and not getting results in your prayer life? If so, you probably need to examine your confidence level in this area. A lack of confidence in prayer simply comes from not knowing God's Word. Too many Christians pray emotional, fear-based prayers, hoping that they get through to God. However, He does not respond to emotionalism; He responds to His Word. To pray apart from the Word of God won't get results. But when you have confidence in the Word and say to God what He has already spoken, your life will change forever.
It is critical for you to first find out what God has said in the Bible about your situation in order to effectively pray about it. For example, if you need healing, instead of begging God to heal you, begin to confess 1 Peter 2:24 which declares that you have already been healed by the stripes of Jesus. If it is financial prosperity that you need to become a reality in your life, find scriptures on wealth and declare them in faith. Your first step in prayer is to discover the promises of God in the Bible. Then you can release your faith by saying them in your prayer time.
Jesus walked in the most powerful ministry ever known to man because He practiced the presence of God and had a strong prayer life. The scripture says that He often took time away from other people to pray and spend time with the Father (Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12; Luke 9:18). This was one of the keys to His ability to perform miracles and do other great works. He had total confidence in His Father because He spent time with Him in prayer. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that He could never fail because of His confidence in God's Word.
Just like Jesus, your prayer life must be activated by faith, which is a practical expression of your confidence in God and His Word; and your confidence comes by spending time in meditating on the scriptures. Joshua 1:8 says, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." Simply repeating the scriptures is not enough. The key to success in your prayer life is meditation.
To meditate the Word is to ponder, mutter or consider it in your mind until you have gotten revelation out of it. When you discover the deeper meaning behind a scripture, and God speaks to you personally about it, you have the ammunition you need to take that scripture with you in your prayer time and boldly release your faith when you confess it.
As Believers, we are to follow Jesus' example. His life is evidence of what happens when a person is continually connected to God's presence and lives a life of meditation. When you do, your confidence will be bolstered and you will begin to experience supernatural results every time you pray.
Scripture Of The Day: "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." - Joshua 1:8 (NIV)
It is critical for you to first find out what God has said in the Bible about your situation in order to effectively pray about it. For example, if you need healing, instead of begging God to heal you, begin to confess 1 Peter 2:24 which declares that you have already been healed by the stripes of Jesus. If it is financial prosperity that you need to become a reality in your life, find scriptures on wealth and declare them in faith. Your first step in prayer is to discover the promises of God in the Bible. Then you can release your faith by saying them in your prayer time.
Jesus walked in the most powerful ministry ever known to man because He practiced the presence of God and had a strong prayer life. The scripture says that He often took time away from other people to pray and spend time with the Father (Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12; Luke 9:18). This was one of the keys to His ability to perform miracles and do other great works. He had total confidence in His Father because He spent time with Him in prayer. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that He could never fail because of His confidence in God's Word.
Just like Jesus, your prayer life must be activated by faith, which is a practical expression of your confidence in God and His Word; and your confidence comes by spending time in meditating on the scriptures. Joshua 1:8 says, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." Simply repeating the scriptures is not enough. The key to success in your prayer life is meditation.
To meditate the Word is to ponder, mutter or consider it in your mind until you have gotten revelation out of it. When you discover the deeper meaning behind a scripture, and God speaks to you personally about it, you have the ammunition you need to take that scripture with you in your prayer time and boldly release your faith when you confess it.
As Believers, we are to follow Jesus' example. His life is evidence of what happens when a person is continually connected to God's presence and lives a life of meditation. When you do, your confidence will be bolstered and you will begin to experience supernatural results every time you pray.
Scripture Of The Day: "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." - Joshua 1:8 (NIV)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Come Witness the Power Of Almighty God During
February 23, 24, And 25 at 7:30 P.M
Guest Revivalist:
Dr. Oscar Benton, Jr.
Of Albany, Georgia
“Breaking the Cycle of the Norm, To Reach the Masses”
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor, A.L. Smith
221 Kings Street
Salinas, CA 93901
For Information, call (831) 422-4419
Come Receive A Word to Restore Your Life!
February 23, 24, And 25 at 7:30 P.M
Guest Revivalist:
Dr. Oscar Benton, Jr.
Of Albany, Georgia
“Breaking the Cycle of the Norm, To Reach the Masses”
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Pastor, A.L. Smith
221 Kings Street
Salinas, CA 93901
For Information, call (831) 422-4419
Come Receive A Word to Restore Your Life!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine’s Day Everyday
You might say that love is in the air. Radio stations are playing romantic songs, advertisers are promoting sentimental gifts, and couples are planning evenings with that "special someone." Every February it's the same. We see hearts and cupids geared toward Valentine's Day, urging us to demonstrate our love for those around us. Don't get me wrong--there's nothing wrong with showing your love and affection for the people you love. The question isn't, "How do you show your love on Valentine's Day?" The real question is, "How do you show your love the rest of the year?"
Perhaps you should understand what love is and is not before you answer that question. First, love is not an abstract feeling of longing and infatuation that intensifies for certain holidays only to fizzle out a short time later. Second, love is not always romantic gestures and weekend getaways. In short, love isn't what we see on television or movies where we feel the "fuzzy feelings" and end up living happily ever after. Instead, according to the Bible, true love--agape love--is a consistent, faithful regard for another that holds another person higher than oneself. In other words, love is humble and willing to put other people first. The apostle Paul wrote, "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up" (1 Cor. 13:4). Here we see that in addition to being humble, love treats other people with kindness and patience. The other thing to notice? Love doesn't get jealous. What a great description of love. One of the criticisms I hear about Christians is that they don't show agape love to others. As Valentine's Day approaches, why don't you look at these characteristics of a loving person and ask yourself, "Am I humble? Am I kind? Am I patient? Not given to jealousy?" If you can answer, "Yes," then you are exhibit Christ-like love.
There is no greater picture of love than Jesus Christ. As we seek to know and show what true love is, let's look to Jesus and follow His example of selfless love: "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2). The greatest example of love was when Christ hung on the Cross. Won't you remember how He has forgiven you and embrace His love today? In turn, won't you exhibit your faith and extend His love to those God has placed in your life, not just on Valentine's Day, but throughout the rest of the year? Then you will have a happy Valentine's Day...every day!
Scripture Of The Day: "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" - Hebrews 12:2.
Perhaps you should understand what love is and is not before you answer that question. First, love is not an abstract feeling of longing and infatuation that intensifies for certain holidays only to fizzle out a short time later. Second, love is not always romantic gestures and weekend getaways. In short, love isn't what we see on television or movies where we feel the "fuzzy feelings" and end up living happily ever after. Instead, according to the Bible, true love--agape love--is a consistent, faithful regard for another that holds another person higher than oneself. In other words, love is humble and willing to put other people first. The apostle Paul wrote, "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up" (1 Cor. 13:4). Here we see that in addition to being humble, love treats other people with kindness and patience. The other thing to notice? Love doesn't get jealous. What a great description of love. One of the criticisms I hear about Christians is that they don't show agape love to others. As Valentine's Day approaches, why don't you look at these characteristics of a loving person and ask yourself, "Am I humble? Am I kind? Am I patient? Not given to jealousy?" If you can answer, "Yes," then you are exhibit Christ-like love.
There is no greater picture of love than Jesus Christ. As we seek to know and show what true love is, let's look to Jesus and follow His example of selfless love: "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2). The greatest example of love was when Christ hung on the Cross. Won't you remember how He has forgiven you and embrace His love today? In turn, won't you exhibit your faith and extend His love to those God has placed in your life, not just on Valentine's Day, but throughout the rest of the year? Then you will have a happy Valentine's Day...every day!
Scripture Of The Day: "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" - Hebrews 12:2.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
God’s Boundless Love
Sometimes as we go through life, we can begin to lose sight of God or question and doubt His love for us. We can become mired in erroneous thinking that God loves somebody else more than He loves us, which the Bible says is certainly untrue (Galatians 2:6). Circumstances in life can be very unfair, but our God remains the same as He has always been, which is love (1 John 4:8). God is love, He defines love, He does loving things, and He cannot do any unloving things. God's very character, nature, makeup, and personality is love.
The righteous live by faith and faithfulness.
The righteous live by faith and faithfulness. This means we really believe that God is Good and God is just. And we live accordingly. What are some situations where you might need to do that?
•In your church? Instead of changing churches when things don’t go your way or there are problems, perhaps you need be faithful to that church and try to minister to them. That may not be the best option, but it needs to be considered.
•In your Marriage? If a person is having troubles in marriage the current way of dealing with it is to get a divorce. But the righteous and correct way to deal with the problem is to remain faithful to the spouse and work it out. Even if it is never worked out, you remain faithful to the spouse. Very Hard...
•In your church? Instead of changing churches when things don’t go your way or there are problems, perhaps you need be faithful to that church and try to minister to them. That may not be the best option, but it needs to be considered.
•In your Marriage? If a person is having troubles in marriage the current way of dealing with it is to get a divorce. But the righteous and correct way to deal with the problem is to remain faithful to the spouse and work it out. Even if it is never worked out, you remain faithful to the spouse. Very Hard...
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