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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Power Outages

A few weeks ago, a very powerful storm swept through the city and caused thousands to be without power for days. The force of the storm caused homes to be damaged and thousands of vehicles to be ruined, but thankfully only a small number of individuals were physically impacted during the storm.
The emotional toll was high and the other life expense of being without power was tremendous. Individuals and families were forced to replace refrigerators filled to capacity with food items. Others had to make alternative sleeping arrangements for an assortment of reasons. With no power for almost a full week, businesses also suffered greatly. Reports indicate that it may take up to one year for them to totally recover.

When the power is disconnected, we begin to realize how much we depend on it. There was no power to charge cellular phones, power up the internet signal, cook food, turn on lights to navigate dark homes, and no juice to cool (or heat) homes. Even simple recreational activities that don’t require power had to be adjusted. The power outages negatively affected everything!

The same way that we’ve had those power outages, many are starting to see the real affects of power outages happening in the spiritual lives of many believers. If a physical storm had that much influence and affect on people’s lives, can you imagine the reach of spiritual power outages?

Spiritual power outages are caused by:
A) Inconsistent spiritual living
B) Inappropriate placement of the role of the Holy Spirit
C) Insufficient submission to the Power of the Holy Spirit
D) Inconvenient manipulation of the purpose of the Holy Spirit

It is clear from scripture and practical wisdom that the Holy Spirit wants to play a much larger role in the life of the believer than many are allowing. Without adequate usage, the result is a significant power outage. The consequence of spiritual power outages leaves any believer tired all the time, overwhelmed by the spiritual and mental challenges of life, weighed down by ‘serving’ in ministry, emotionally inconsistent, and too weak to do any level of spiritual warfare. All of these factors will yield an ineffective ambassador in God’s kingdom.

What’s the solution? The easy answer is that every believer must make sure that the Power of the Holy Spirit can properly flow in their lives. The tough answer is that there must be a daily process of transformation that allows the Holy Spirit permission to plug into our lives and release His power in us in everything that we do, think, say, and everywhere we go. It is only when we allow His power to flow in our lives daily, that we are able to expand our capacity to handle his powerful charge.

Just like a building must be equipped to handle the voltage (level of power) that the generator (or power boxes) produces, every believer must grow to the point of handling that much power! Are you ready?

1) Don’t be afraid – grant Him permission to flow in every area of your life.
2) Don’t over analyze – give Him space to cause you to walk by faith without boxing Him in.
3) Don’t be arrogant – give Him the credit for everything that He does supernaturally in your life.
4) Don’t be anxious – give Him the time to work in your life without you running ahead of Him.
5) Don’t be artificial – give Him the opportunity to show that He works in real people living real lives, not hyper-spiritual people that are out of touch with reality.

There are probably more things that you can add to this list. What are the things in your life that could cause a spiritual power outage in your life? Whatever they are and however they show up, work to remove them! They’re blocking the flow of power in your life that you’ve only experienced the tip of. No more power outages!
Scripture Of The Day: "It is the Spirit Who gives life [He is the Life-giver]" - John 6:63 (AMP)

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