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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One Hundred Thousand Signatures for Marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors, USA is a grass-roots movement of African-American Christians who believe in traditional family values such as supporting the role of religion in American public life, protecting the lives of the unborn, and defending the sacred institution of marriage.

Follow this link and learn more at :


  1. I find your position shameful. I can't believe that you who know best that each of us is a sinner and each of us can be better would be so openly violent -socially, emotionally, and mentally- against a group of people that are searching for happiness. Making enemies isnt the way to show compassion. They need to lead their lives and make thier choices and then atone for them in front of God and NOT you. Teaching your congressions your beliefs is wonderful, and I think there should be more of that, but trying to force people to live like you is as far from compassion as anything could be. They have a word for acts like that - Tyranny. I believe that gays are angels on earth here to make your life hard, here to force you to show compassion when you would least like to. Jesus wanted us to feed our enemies when they were hungry and give them water when they were thirsty because by doing so you would be heaping coals upon their heads (coals of love to melt their hearts). I think in this world you are the enemy, and I hope that every gay or lesbian man or woman follows Jesus and heaps coals of love upon your heads.

    1. But isn't trying to force those who choose to live by the standards delineated in the Bible to support issues that are contrary equally shameful. Either way someones rights will be violated;the key is to agree to disagree in love. Can those who support the movement also be afforded the opportunity to make a choice to lead our lives and face atonement(if need be)from God and NOT you!

  2. You people are so far behind the times. Wonder if we were to move the clock back even further how happy you would be......let's say 1950!

    1. Be it 1950, or 2050, the word of the LORD is timeless.
